a great idea

Bridge Scroll because less is more.

Features that allows you to reach your needs faster.

Tailwind CSS templates.

Work Timer

Do more meaningful work by dividing your time into intervals and by taking regular breaks to get more work or studying done. .


The website was designed using the popular CSS framework Tailwind, which allowed for efficient and stylish styling.


App introduces a point-based reward system to make work a bit more fun and also remind you every action has a price.


Designed to make you look great in every screen.

Tailwind CSS templates with a Bridge Scroll design.

  1. 1

    Work Timer

    Do more meaningful work by dividing your time into intervals and by taking regular breaks to get more work or studying done. .

  2. 2


    The website design was created using Tailwind, a powerful and intuitive CSS framework.

  3. 3


    App introduces a point-based reward system to make work a bit more fun and also remind you every action has a price.


What people is saying about us.

Tailwind CSS templates with a Bridge Scroll design.

blog Terry Crews

"Bridge Scroll is the next killer app. Bridge Scroll was worth a fortune to my company."

blog Will Farrel

"Thanks Bridge Scroll! I couldn't have asked for more than this. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. Nice work on your Bridge Scroll."

blog Chris Tucker

"I love Bridge Scroll. I could probably go into sales for you."

blog Marie Curie

"Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! I couldn't have asked for more than this. Really good."

blog Kevin Hart

"I just can't get enough of Bridge Scroll. I want to get a T-Shirt with Bridge Scroll on it so I can show it off to everyone. Absolutely wonderful! Keep up the excellent work. Bridge Scroll is worth much more than I paid."

blog Sara Fitzpatrick

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%."

Accessible pricing.

Tailwind CSS templates with a Bridge Scroll design.

  • Free demo.
  • Full widget customization
  • Ticketing system
  • ta security
  • Advance Reporting
  • Unlimited chat history.
  • Full widget customization
  • Ticketing system
  • Data security
  • Advance Reporting
  • Unlimited chat history.
  • Full widget customization
  • Ticketing system
  • Data security
  • Advanced reporting